Our lawyer validator oracle will evaluate the complaints sent by our platform users according to these 3 categories:
The feedback sent is a complaint/claim that has no possibility of being managed as judicial or extrajudicial legal action.
The feedback sent is a complaint/claim is able to get dealt successfully through an extrajudicial legal action.
The feedback sent is a complaint/claim that might be managed as a judicial legal action.
Our lawyers will always answer our users within seven days, indicating the category in which it encloses.
Our lawyer validator oracle will be composed, in every country, by a well-known Law Firm specialized in Consumer Protection. In Spain it will be IurisConsum.

Our lawyer validator oracle will grant tokens to users who send complaints, according to the following criteria:
If the feedback sent cannot be managed as a judicial or extrajudicial legal action, the validator oracle will not grant tokens.
If the feedback sent can be managed successfully through an extrajudicial or a judicial legal action, the oracle will reward the user with EASYF tokens once the user hire our law firm for handling the claim, it has been handled and the judge has ruled.
Additionally to the legal compensation, our lawyer validator oracle will grant EASYF tokens to the user, equivalent to 10% of the compensation obtained .
If you have any question, please write us at [email protected].
Join our Telegram group and follow us on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook in order to be up to date with the project.
The EasyFeedback team.