Tuspeaking improved its online reputation with EasyFeedback


tuSpeaking is a company dedicated to online language training for companies. It was born in 2011 with the aim of helping companies increase the level of English language skills of their employees through a methodology based on the teaching of one-to-one classes by native English teachers.​

What needs did tuSpeaking have before implementing EasyFeedback PRO?

Improving both online and offline reputation

Fostering engagement from employees

Building customer loyalty through feedback

At tuSpeaking, we have been able to build trust in our business by using EasyFeedback. We have also improved our relationship with our customers resulting in a better reputation for our brand without having to do any additional installation. We really appreciate the support and immediate attention that EasyFeedback provides at all times.
Hansel Fernández

Implementation of EasyFeedback in tuSpeaking

Pie de página de tuSpeaking con el Sello a la Excelencia en el Trato

In tuSpeaking they decided to put the seal of Excellence in Customer Service on the corporate website to make it easier for their customers to send feedback.

They also placed the certificate in the signature of corporate emails, indicating their commitment to Excellence in Customer Service and thus making it easier for their customers to send feedback.

At tuSpeaking they have placed the Certificate to give their users the opportunity to send feedback to the company’s management team.

Certificado de EasyFeedback para TuSpeaking.

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