Volvo Autosuecia Contrata EasyFeedback PRO

How Volvo Autosuecia has improved the listening to its customers by using EasyFeedback

Instalaciones de Volvo Autosuecia

Volvo Autosuecia

Volvo Autosuecia is the official Volvo Dealer in Guipúzcoa, with more than 25 years of experience in the sale, maintenance and repair of Swedish brand vehicles.
Their work dynamic is based on the search for business excellence, quality and respect for the environment, through process management, customer-oriented and always seeking full customer satisfaction, which is why they have adhered to the Seal. “Excellence in Treatment.”

What needs did Volvo Autosuecia have before implementing EasyFeedback PRO?

To improve the online and offline reputation, Volvo Autosuecia needed to:​

To strengthen the team's commitment, Volvo Autosuecia needed to:

To Build customer loyalty through feedback​, Volvo Autosuecia needed to:

70% of us do not return to a business because of the treatment we have received. EasyFeedback PRO has helped us align the entire team with “Excellence in Customer Service”.

It also allows us to actively listen to everyone who passes through the dealership (pre-sale, sale and post-sale) and increase positive reviews.

We chose EasyFeedback for its original value proposition and the trust that its team conveys to me.

Their EasyFeedback PRO tool is complementary to all the dealership software I know. I would definitely recommend EasyFeedback PRO to other dealers.
Mikel Mujika

Implementation of EasyFeedback in Volvo Autosuecia

Web en EasyFeedback de Volvo Autosuecia
Pie de página con sello EasyFeedback a la Excelencia en el trato

Volvo Auto Suecia has put several links to its EasyFeedback company profile in the footer, adding an image of its Excellence in Customer Service seal that makes it easier for its clients to send them feedback.

Volvo Autosuecia has the Seal of Excellence in Treatment at the bottom of the estimates and invoices that it delivers to its customers.

This allows them to show their commitment to Excellence in Treatment and to the QR code in every interaction with their clients, all the feedback they receive from them is through the private feedback channel they have in EasyFeedback. During the implementation, our staff made this exclusive design and worked together with Volvo Autosweden staff for the adaptation.

Sello de la Excelencia en el Trato en las facturas de EasyFeedback
Firma de Volvo Autosuecia para los correos electrónicos

Volvo Autosuecia has configured the email signature with its corporate image and the seal of Excellence in Treatment, to make its Commitment to Excellence in Treatment more visible and listen better to its customers.

Certificado EasyFeedback PRO fondo negro para Volvo Autosuecia
Certificado EasyFeedback PRO en euskera fondo blanco para Volvo Autosuecia
Autosuecia entrada con Certificado a la Excelencia en trato EasyFeedback
EasyFeedback en la sala de espera de Volvo Autosuecia
EasyFeedback PRO en la sala de espera de Autosuecia
El Certificado a la Excelencia en el Trato de Volvo Autosuecia
Autosuecia tiene el Certificado a la Excelencia en el Trato también en Taller
Auto Suecia tiene el certificado EasyFeedback en taller
EasyFeedback en las oficinas de Volvo Autosuecia
EasyFeedback está también en la exposición de Volvo Autosuecia
Varias imágenes de EasyFeedback en Volvo Autosuecia