Fachada de la concesión Volvo Arregui en Vitoria

How Volvo Arregui has improved the listening to its customers by using EasyFeedback

Volvo Arregui

With extensive experience at the service of its customers, Auto Electricidad Arregui has established itself as the reference in distribution, marketing and official Volvo servicing in Vitoria. Its main objective is to reach the highest standards of quality and service.

What needs did Volvo Arregui have before implementing EasyFeedback PRO?

Enhancing online and offline reputation

Fostering engagement from employees

Building customer loyalty through feedback​

At Volvo Arregui we started working with EasyFeedback on the recommendation of another dealership and today we recommend working with EasyFeedback.
Jorge Fernández
After Sales Manager

Implementation of EasyFeedback in Volvo Arregui

Página de Volvo Arregui en EasyFeedback PRO

At Volvo Arregui they have physically placed the Certificate at the dealership to give their users the opportunity to send feedback to the dealership management team.

The Volvo Arregui dealership has improved its results and gets more positive reviews thanks to EasyFeedback.