Imagen de Gastrobar Moka con EasyFeedback

Gastrobar Moka enhances active listening with EasyFeedback

Página web Gastrobar Moka, con el Sello a la Excelencia en el trato de EasyFeedback

Gastrobar Moka

GastroBar Moka is a landmark in Pamplona, ​​with a cosmopolitan atmosphere, where old friends, families and co-workers share space, with groups of young people and tourists who come to visit the work of art created by Crispín.
They all enjoy a space with exceptional treatment, a special atmosphere and pampered cuisine.

What needs did Distriplac have before implementing EasyFeedback PRO?

To improve the online and offline reputation, GastroBar Moka needed to:​

To strengthen the team's commitment, GastroBar Moka needed to:

To Build customer loyalty through feedback​, GastroBar Moka needed to:

EasyFeedback is a tool that helps us better manage the store. As we have always been committed to improving and providing the best customer service, through this tool the customer can give us their suggestions, they can give us their complaints, their congratulations, they can contact management directly through EasyFeedback.

We also find it a very interesting tool because the client commits to the company so that they can help us improve.
Patxi Sánchez

Implementation of EasyFeedback in GastroBar Moka

Perfil de empresa de Gastrobar Moka en EasyFeedback

Gastrobar Moka company profile in  and it is the private channel through which Gastrobar Moka customers can send their feedback.

Página web Gastrobar Moka, con el Sello a la Excelencia en el trato de EasyFeedback

Gastrobar Moka has put several links to its EasyFeedback company profile in the footer, adding an image of its Excellence in Customer Service seal that makes it easier for its clients to send them feedback.

EasyFeedback en la página web de GastroBar Moka
In the Opinions section the seal for Excellence in Treatment and Gastrobar Moka’s commitment to Excellence in Treatment appears.

Gastrobar Moka has the  Excellence in Service certificate distributed throughout the premises:

– In beer or vermouth shooters.
– At the door of the premises.
– Giving visibility with the certificates of Excellence in Treatment.

This allows them to show their commitment to Excellence in Treatment and to the QR code in every interaction with their clients, all the feedback they receive from them is through the private feedback channel they have in EasyFeedback. During the implementation, our staff created this exclusive design and worked together with the Gastrobar Moka staff for the adaptation.

Certificado de EasyFeedback para Gastrobar Moka con fondo negro
Certificado de Excelencia en el Trato EasyFeedback para Gastrobar Moka

At Gastrobar Moka they have placed the Certificate physically in the bar to give their users the opportunity to send feedback privately to their management team.

Certificado de Excelencia en el Trato EasyFeedback para Gastrobar Moka
Certificado de EasyFeedback para Gastrobar Moka con fondo blanco

Gastrobar Moka has theExcellence in Service certificate on the feedback cards that they have decided to give to their customers.

This allows them to show their commitment to Excellence in Service in every interaction with their customers and with the QR code, to capture the level of satisfaction of their customers through the private feedback channel they have in EasyFeedback.

During the implementation, our staff made this unique design and worked together with the Gastrobar Moka staff for the adaptation.

Tarjeta feedback EasyFeedback GastroBar Moka
Tarjeta feedback EasyFeedback GastroBar Moka
Tarjeta de feedback de EasyFeedback y Gastrobar Moka para recoger opiniones de clientes
Whatsapp que envía el GastroBar Moka a sus clientes
SMS EasyFeedback y GastroBar Moka