Portada del artículo para Ensanche Área Comercial

How Enchanche Commercial Area has improved the listening to its users by using EasyFeedback

Imagen Ensanche Área Comercial celebrando los 30 años de la asociación

Ensanche Commercial Area

The Ensanche Commercial Area Business Association has been representing the retail, hotel and catering and service companies of Pamplona before the institutions of Navarre for the last 30 years and offers services to its members to improve their competitiveness.

What needs did the Association have before implementing EasyFeedback PRO?

Enhancing online and offline reputation

Fostering engagement from employees

Building customer loyalty through feedback​

At the association we use EasyFeedback, because it is essential to know what our customers think of our services and work, in order to improve what we can and to promote what we already do well.
María Jesús Alonso

Implementation of EasyFeedback in the Association

Página del ensanche en EasyFeedback PRO
Apartado de la web de la Asociación del Ensanche Comercial con el compromiso a la Excelencia en el Trato

They have opened a section on the Ensanche Commercial Area website to show their commitment to Excellence in Treatment.

The EnsancheCommercial Area Association has physically placed the Certificate in it office to give its users the opportunity to send feedback to the Association’s management team.

Certificado de EasyFeedback en un soporte en las oficinas de la Asociación de Ensanche Área Comercial

The Ensanche Commercial Area Association includes the Seal of Excellence in Treatment on the cards it gives to customers.

EasyFeedback Área Comercial Ensanche y Lezkairu tarjeta de feedback